Monday, May 6, 2013

See You Later

Yesterday was a bittersweet day, because it was filled with a lot of "lasts." It was my last Sunday at church before heading out to Salt Lake to be with my mom. It was my last day as a part of the Primary presidency in our ward. It was my last time teaching Sharing Time in said Primary. It was my last (regular, at least) "family dinner" at the Beytien / Beatse home. These things are what made it a bitter day, but they also made it sweet.

Instead of stressing about Sharing Time going well or keeping the kids' attention every second, I enjoyed teaching them about our Prophet and his relationship with the Savior. Instead of getting frustrated with misbehaving kids, I sat with them and enjoyed their energy and personality. Instead of taking a sigh of relief when the last kid left the Primary room after church, I felt immediately nostalgic and emotional. Instead of hurrying down the hall and out the door, I lingered, talking with teachers and fellow presidency members, not wanting to leave.

When I was first called to serve in Primary, I really wasn't all that thrilled. Our ward had just split, which made us a brand new one, needing all positions staffed. A good friend of ours had been called into the Bishopric, so we were all putting in requests (only partly kidding!). :) I told him I wanted to be in the Young Women, and please--not Primary! Like most situations in life, I didn't get what I thought I wanted. Never having been in Primary, at least not since I was a kid, it took awhile to get used to my new role. I slowly became more comfortable and began to really enjoy myself. I grew to love the kids in our ward. There's one boy, a 5 year old, who loves to give hugs. He doesn't always behave, and often needs reminding to be quiet, but when you walk in the room, he runs over with a big smile on his face and all but tackles you in a bear hug. There's a little girl (4) who has a lot to say, although most of it is totally off topic. She's absolutely hilarious. There are several kids who always surprise me with their insightful questions and answers, causing me to wonder if I knew that much about the Savior when I was their age. I am so grateful. Every once in a while, I've been blessed to feel just how much (at least how much is in my capacity to feel) Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love these little children. They will make great adults someday, and I'm happy to have been a part of their lives for just a short time.

I also have been so blessed to develop great friendships with the other women in the Primary presidency. We are all very different, but together, we've done some amazing things. In their own unique ways, they are each amazing women, and I look up to them very much.

As far as my last "family dinner" goes, I don't even know where to begin. A little less than 4 years ago, I basically showed up on a doorstep, and was taken in with open arms. That first year I lived in Dubuque was one of the hardest in my life. I was a complete wuss and so, so very homesick. Very quickly, though, I became a part of a new family, even though I still missed my own. So many great things happened to me because of becoming a part of this family. I chose my career path, I learned a lot about the world of Autism and how wonderful it can be, I learned to make delicious new recipes, I (kind of) learned to quilt, I watched in awe (still learning this one) as my dear friends served others without regard to their own needs, without feeling as if they had ever "done enough." I met Nick. I learned I could do hard things. In the time since I first became a part of this family, we've added many more, and I've learned wonderful things from and developed great relationships with each of them, as well. My life is changed forever because of my experiences (then and now) in Dubuque. As my favorite song from Wicked goes,

 "I know I'm who I am today because I knew you....
because I knew you, I have been changed for good."

Cheesy, I know...but it's true. I could sing this song about so many people I've met here in Dubuque. I truly have been blessed.

As we start a new chapter in our lives this fall, I am so excited for the new adventures we'll have. Nick is starting a great new job that will help him to continue to learn and grow in new and challenging ways. I get to graduate from college and then start on a masters degree. We get to be in a new ward and community, meeting new people that will change us for good. We get to be closer to both of our families, making travelling down to Arizona much easier and MUCH less expensive. But just like yesterday, leaving Dubuque is bittersweet. Thank you so much to our wonderful friends here. We love you! Nick gets to hang out with everyone for a few more months, but for me, this is a "see you later."

1 comment:

  1. Those goodbyes are so hard - especially when you realize, like you do, how much the people you've been with have changed you for the better. I've only met three of them, but I'm so thankful for your Dubuque family. :)
