Thursday, April 18, 2013

Dove Beauty Sketches

Happy almost Friday!

I'm sure most of you have seen these ads floating around the internets recently, but I wanted to share it anyway! This ad had a powerful affect on me, and got me thinking a little more positively about myself. Unfortunately, I apparently didn't retain the information all that well, because yesterday I was pretty down on myself again.

Once upon a time, when I was playing two sports in high school and could eat whatever I wanted, I never understood how people could go days, weeks, months without exercising at all. During the off-season my mom would frequently say to me, "You need to go for a run, you're being bratty." It was true! I exercised so much that when I didn't, it really affected me. Now though, in my oh-so-wise-old-years, I have found it's in fact very easy to go days, weeks, months without exercising. Whoops. I used to LOVE to run. It was therapeutic for me, and a great way to clear my head. Now I don't like it so much. Why? Because I'm out of shape and it's HARD! I don't have time to think anymore between the huffing and puffing. I'm trying though! Last weekend, I had a good run/walk on the treadmill at the gym since it's raining miserably outside and has been for days. Despite plans of running all week to prepare for the Autism 5k in Bettendorf, IA on Saturday, I didn't until today. Whoops again! This morning, though, I had another pretty good run on the treadmill. Good by my new standards--at least that's what I keep telling myself! :) I have a hard time not getting down on myself...thinking, "An 11 min mile? What the heck!? I used to run a mile in 7!" But I'm getting there, and as the weather warms up, I hope will! find even more motivation to get out there and run.

1 comment:

  1. Surveys of people who exercise--or want to--commonly there's more long-term motivation in how exercising makes you feel than in how it makes you look. Maybe that means you appreciate your inner beauty more than you realize. Dad
